stevsky banner dlya sayta Головоломки 100 Doors World of History walkthrough - free download

100 Doors World of History walkthrough - free download

04-100100 Doors World of History

100 Doors World of History is a typical puzzle game, where you simply need to make all the doors open. But it is not as easy as it seems: the tasks become more complex with the every level. There are plenty of games in this genre such as 100 Doors of Revenge, or 100 Doors Return and many others. World of History is very popular and one of the best for some reasons. At first, this game has beautiful graphics, unlike the most of 100 Doors. The second reason is the opportunity not only to search for the solutions, but also to travel through different places and historical ages. If you are fond of puzzles, you can't miss this addicting game. Download 100 Doors World of History on your device and you will never be bored. If you will have the difficulties on some level, the video with the walkthrough will be useful.

100 Doors for Android


The objective of this android game is to pass through the one door on every level, and as you can see from the title, there is a big amount of them. In the 100 Doors there is a puzzle for you on every stage, and only when you solve it, you can get on the next level. The logical thinking is what you need while you play, but sometimes the solutions can be unexpected. When you already have tried everything and the door is still closed, maybe it's time just to shake your phone. 


- addicting mini-puzzles,

- amazing graphics,

- complete utilization of your devices features,

- updates with the new doors every week,

- travelling through the ages,

- different characters.

It is a sort of game where you can meet a bear or an egyptian mummy. The challenges are various; shake, slide, rub, touch and do everything possible with your phone (without damages, of course). Sometimes the solution can be nonstandard, so search for the hints and try to think wider..

You may receive the game on your android phone or tablet for free by following the link under the arrow. Don't worry: it's absolutely safely. The file of the apps is 100% virus-free.


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100 Doors Solutions

If you're stuck on the level and want to know how to move forward, just watch the walkthrough video. We sure, you'll find all the answers.

100 Doors level 1-55


100 Doors level 56-84

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Обновлено ( 13.09.2017 14:00 )  

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Алхимия подсказки

Как сделать банку

В некоторых источниках есть информация о таких элементах для Алхимии, как банка, гладиатор, Спартак, чугун и некоторых других. В версии Алхимии на Андроиде с количеством рецептов 390 этих элементов нет, поэтому мы не можем сказать, как сделать банку.

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Тут нет нужного ответа!

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Алхимия на 390 элементов
Алхимия на 1000 элементов
Алхимия классик

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Также есть алхимия на ПК, которая работает прямо в браузере. Но там слишком много модов и вариантов, поэтому написать все ответы крайне затруднительно.



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Во-вторых, можно использовать поиск по странице. В большинстве стационарных браузеров он вызывается сочетанием клавиш CTRL+F, на мобильных браузерах в меню всегда есть пункт "Поиск на странице"

В-третьих, можете задать вопрос в комментариях. Но перед этим попробуйте всё же поискать сами. Обычно задача довольно проста





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